{This is more a tech tip for myself – but may be of use to others}
[Updated 2012/10/06 – Of course when I most need this its not working. Oracle changed the way they check for license acceptance. So, first go to http://www.oracle.com//technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk6u35-downloads-1836443.html with your browser. Accept the radio button terms. Then run the oab-java file as below.]
Short and sweet – Ubuntu has decided to remove Oracle’s JAVA 6/7 from their OS – I don’t fault that decision at all but sadly on occasion I need the exact compatibility that the ‘sunnicle’ java brings – Code once run anywhere my arse.
So, without ubuntu repos (even the PPA’s have been disabled) we are left to build our own debian packages – thankfully Martin Wimpress made this an absolute breeze:
cd /tmp/ wget https://raw.github.com/flexiondotorg/oab-java6/master/oab-java.sh chmod a+x oab-java.sh ./oab-java.sh
This will automatically download the required sources, build them and create .deb files for installation.
Frankly the least painful JAVA experience I’ve ever had – THANKS Martin!!!